I am thrilled to announce that this year we will be introducing two wonderful companions to our literacy program at Sacred Heart which will inspire our young readers to become more self-motivated and excel in their academic development. This year we have added two services:
Junior Library Guild (JLG) - A school based library service in which we receive titles throughout the year to enhance our classroom library sets.
Renaissance Learning's Accelerated Reader Program - A self-paced, internet based self-evaluation software program to be used in the Computer Lab or your classroom, in which students take assessments to measure their reading comprehension after each book they read. It does not matter which book they read, or where they obtained it from, every book is registered with Accelerated Reader. For each successful test, students accumulate points which parents or teachers can use as an incentive, or start a Reader of the Week competition, etc. Click here for Resources for Parents; click here for Resources for Teachers and Staff.
Over the next couple of weeks we will be receiving professional developments and webinars to train our teachers how to use these services most effectively.
Below are a PDF list of the books we will be receiving from JLG. You can click on each book's link to determine what reading level it is, and a summary of the title.
I have attached a short description of the Accelerated Reader program which includes a few links that you can navigate to learn more about its' amazing features.